Memorial day weekend winding down. I live on the lake and watched the boats and festivities. Wrote some, ate a lot and drank a little. Was thinking of the men and women who sacrificed their lives for this country. Some went to war because they were drafted, some volunteered and of those some felt the inner drive to make this sacrifice.
They truly gave all and regardless why they were there, they did their jobs and gave us the freedoms we enjoy today.
I read this weekend of the vandalizing of a WWII and Vietnam memorial monument. We may not agree always with our governments decisions, but the people who brave the front and make it so we can sleep at night do so for us. Their sacrifices, past and present, should not be minimized and certainly not be objects of scorn.

For whomever perpetrated these deplorable acts...these men and women had families that loved and mourned them. Look into your souls and turn your anger to something constructive. If you disagree, ultimately it is your elected officials who should bear the brunt. Vote judiciously and write letters and e-mails, join a group, protest legally.
But don't...please don't deface the memories of those who stood up for you.
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