Thursday, July 17, 2014

Balance! Stop name calling.

A while back I did something I rarely do. I engaged in a political argument. I learned some things. For one, some of my information was faulty, so I changed my view a bit. The important thing  I came away with is that you can present a viewpoint without calling your adversary names or labeling them. I can, and I don't consider my intelligence superior, just 'run of the mill', but I do have  'some' intelligence.

To make a short story long, I've decided I hate labels, and I don't have much for those that insist on using them. If their pov is so weak they feel they must attack people to make a point then maybe they should do more research or better yet, take up a hobby.

God gave us a brain, and some of us use it. I do not need a political view or stand to make up my mind about something. And I'm starting to realize that facts can be spun to suit almost anybody's agenda. My mom always said " If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, probably it's a duck."

You shouldn't decide an issue based on whether it is  right wing, left wing, liberal, conservative, democrat,republican, or any other reason other than just the facts,without spinning them and please, without putting a label on them. And really, that's all you need. Anything else is sludge and better off left in the septic tank.

Balance is the key. Extremes are almost always bad. Somewhere there is middle ground and it is most likely greener. At the risk of using a label, I will say I consider myself a conservative, but I am open minded enough to realize that there are multiple sides to any story. For example, I'm not a 'tree hugger', but I don't want companies filling our rivers with waste just to make the plastic in my cell phone cheaper. Balance!

I didn't write this blog to start anything. Rather, my hope is it might end some of the useless bickering. If you disagree. Great! It's you're right and I wont call you a name. In fact, I doubt if I will respond at all. This is just how I feel. It's not open to debate. At least for me.

Someone did say that they thought I just liked "stirring the pot". Well, if you don't, the food will burn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you, Andy!! You say it so very well! I won't go any further either because I don't want any reprise.