Good morning world. Wow! You can say that now with new meaning. It's now a smaller world and larger too with today's technology.
I wrote a short story last year for Christmas...I know, this year is far from reaching the winter holidays. But I was thinking about it, more importantly, what inspired it. Family.
My wife and daughter challenged me to write a non-macabre short story for Christmas 2013 and I almost pulled it off. I just couldn't resist putting a few bad guys in it and a little suspense, but enough of that.
The story was inspired by a song my father had written and sung to us on many occasions, usually during the winter, with cocoa, cookies and some times snow falling. Rarely though, because we lived in Texas.
The song did and does bring tears to my eyes, so I'm sharing it with you. You might want to have a box of tissues nearby.
A Lonely Little Christmas Tree
A lonely little Christmas Tree stood on a vacant lot.
I don't know why it was left there
Perhaps it had been forgot.
A little boy stood outside the fence
and he looked so wistfully.
and as I closed the gate to leave
here's what he said to me.
I know that you're a good man sir
it's written on your face.
I'll bet you say your prayers each day
and at night you say grace.
That tree is awful lonely sir
and it needs some company.
And I know the Lord would bless you sir,
if you gave me that little tree.
I haven't any money sir,
my mama's sick in bed.
My father, he's been gone for years,
Perhaps sir, he is dead.
We're all so cold and hungry sir
and lonely as can be.
And I know it'd cheer my mommy up
if you'd give us, that little tree.
I picked the little boy up
and hugged him to my cheek.
The tears were running down my face,
so I could hardly speak.
I've had amnesia, for many years,
now I've found my memory.
From a little boy who is my son
and a lonely Christmas tree.
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