Now, when I say 'bible thumpers', I'm not speaking to all the good people out there that read the scriptures and enjoy them. I'm talking about those that pound on the venerable scrolls more than read them.
That said, I do read the scriptures and have spent significant time in study. It's really fascinating when you get into the word, especially if you slow down, divide it, and...well...it doesn't hurt to check the translations out. You might be surprised.
Take the first born, whose descendants are characters in my series of novels...hey...the picture to the left.(shameless plug)
Cain slew Able and ran away to another land and married a woman there.
So, where the heck did this woman come from? Some theologians have suggested that life spans were so long back then, that she was an offspring of Adam and Eve as well. Do you buy that? I'm a little short on cash, so I'll have to pass.
What I noticed was this. Read Genesis. On the sixth day, God created "men and women". Plural? looks like it to me. ON the seventh day, he rested. Now, I don't think the days stopped or jumped around here, but on the eighth day (there are indications that a day to God is a thousand years, food for thought), God noted that he had no one to tend his garden. He then made Adam and afterward took a rib from his creation (actual translation, curve), DNA? Whatever, he had a pair, and the rest is history...actually...a blood line called Israel that produced Jesus
My series of "Ghost Reaper" novels are fictional. Many little tidbits like this will be explored in them. All of the scriptures are from the King James version of the bible and the translations from a Greek/Hebrew concordance. Again, they are fictional...so hey...go easy on the tar and feathers.
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