Thursday, July 3, 2014


I'm going to step on toes a bit, so I hope some of you have on good shoes.

Birth control. A religious bomb shell. I'm not talking about abortion. I believe once conceived, it is a life. Period.

Population is now a concern and will be critical in a few years. People need to plan their families in today's economy. You know longer need a multitude of children to help in the field.

It should be clear that it benefits society and the individual to be able to plan their families.

God gave us the gift of reproduction and said "be fruitful and multiply". Well, we did that, have the T-shirt. Not every seed is meant to take root and not every egg meant to hatch.

Now is the time for common sense.

He gave that to us also and I'm pretty sure somewhere he told us to use it.

I had to add to this...damn! Oh well here goes.

What if a company had religious convictions that all healing must come from God with no interference physicians or medicine. There are those who practice this.

So, is the Supreme Court going to rule that they do not have to provide medical insurance based on this belief?
Just saying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally agree with you, Andy!