We all know there's a health care crisis. I'm speaking monetarily. Not many can afford it and those that can certainly don't want to.
Who's at fault?
For sure it's a mess, and the least our government could have done was to read it. What I want to discuss is why we needed to address health care in the first place.
Number one on my list of suspects has to be health care itself. It's just out of control and it didn't happen overnight folks. The monster has been growing for sometime. Who feeds it? No matter how you dice it, we do. Joe Public.
I had a stress test a few years back. That bad boy cost $5,000. You have a couple of employees wire you up, a cardiologist reviews the results, but hey, I did all the work. 5,000 dollars.
Now what about a couple of days in the hospital. What? 30,000, 40,000? I'm a nurse and some of you may think...yeah...that's where that price tag came from. Okay...I went through "hell on earth U" for that degree and I can assure you I wouldn't have done it for $10 an hour...but let's take a look. 24 hours times 2 at let's say at 25 an hour...um...let me take my shoes off...that's somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 bucks. Oh...and let's not forget that those nurses are caring for 4-6 patients, usually the latter, but I wont do the math...I think you see my point.
Now I'm aware that a hospital requires people to run. Maintenance, housekeeping, ect. I know it all adds up and I'm aware a lot of hospitals struggle to stay in the black. But then again, check out the salaries of some of the CEOs. Some of them approach or surpass seven figures.
So, let's forget all that. In a nutshell, medical costs are so high because, with a little negotiating, they know they can get most of it.
Now, what about pharmaceuticals? Some of those pills are ridiculous. I know, they have expenses too. Research?
Hey, I've got a new can opener for sale. The price is
$10,000 dollars because of all the research I had to do to invent it. You wouldn't buy it unless you had to. Right?
Last but not least is insurance companies. They exist because most people can't afford health care. Health care can inflate the prices because the insurance will pay. I mean, they couldn't charge all that if Joe Public had to pay from his pocket. It's just not that deep and even if it was, it's mostly empty.
Summing it up. Health insurance is justified by high medical cost and high medical cost is feasible because of health insurance. Now our leaders have made having health insurance a requirement. Boy, talk about giving the insurance boys the combination to the vault.
Somebody get me off this merry-go-round, I'm getting dizzy.
Conspiracy theory?
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