Friday, October 3, 2014


A new short story I plan to place on Amazon Kindle soon. Around twenty years ago I wrote a short story and submitted it to a magazine. I got a scathing letter back from the editor. Among other things he said it was too long and nothing happened in the first two pages.

On retrospect, I see his point. If he'd published the story there wouldn't have been any room for advertisement much less any other stories. Obviously I had failed to investigate the magazines requirements.

Nevertheless I was challenged and wrote a short short short story. I mean the thing was not three double spaced pages long.

So, I drug it out the other day, read it, and decided to rewrite it. I'm adding a little to it. Maybe...oh...I don't know...five thousand words or so. Yeah...and I'll tell you something.

This time it'll be as long as I damn well please!

Look for it! Coming soon.

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